There was a time back in 2009....
when weekends were REAL fun....When I had time to hang-out, chill, relax, watch TV, eat Momos, at times do the 'HOMEWORK'...Damn My life is Cursed...
Oh No! No! This is not just another RANTING Post...
I just want to shout-out-loud and vent it...so I may feel a bit RELIEVED! So, talking about Weekend...How was your’s BTW?
Must have been fun....But, I had a REAL Bad Weekend...
I have been looking for a job change since quite a bit now....but nothing’s working out...So, I decided why no t try some like freelance to have a knowledge of how people in other industry work (since most of the employers desire a talented, multi-tasking, variegated, super intelligent employee who knows it all...phew! Don't know what these employers want out)...And, everyone out there is ready to give advises....you're doing so well in your present job...you shouldn't change....you're on the right track lady....if I am doing so well why don't you HIRE...Never thought changing JOB is Not that easy...
And, to top it all...I have to deal with so many other things...the WORST being my increasing WEIGHT...which I am not being able to balance because of running short of time...Weekdays are already PACKED! And, since I am running for job mostly on Saturdays....Sundays are either spent relaxing or working on small assignments...for “EXPOSURE”...
Life at times is really hard to deal with? So, much pressure...My MOM can't take all this (seeing her daughter striving and getting nothing). ..and is so worried at times that she tell me give up my job and take up something like TEACHING that's less tiresome....Gives me more time to take care of myself....But, I can't make her understand that it's a part of life...I know I will get the right OPPORTUNITY...There's a positive side to everything that's so difficult for me to explain and she thinks I am ARGUING...
I just Pray to GOD that I really get a JOB that day or will have to make a COMPROMISE of my life...(which I really don't want to)....